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he did absolutely nothing he was afraid he maybe hit and he was angry that his father didnt stand up for himself

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Q: How did Elie reacted when his father was struck fot the first time?
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What did elie do when the gypsy struck his father and why what was his fathers response?

Elie did absolutely not a thing when the Gypsy struck his father, it was for the fear of himself getting hit, and Elie's father did nothing, he didn't stand up for himself.

Why did gypsy strike Elie Wiesel's father?

The gypsy struck Elie Wiesel's father because he asked where the toilets were.

What did elie do when the gypsy struck his father and why what was his father's response?

Elie has internalized the rules of the camp, the first of which is, do not attract attention to yourself. This incident occurs after brief orientation to life at Auschwitz, where an SS officer has explained that they each have a choice, Work or the chimney! In such a place, where brutality is the only constant, Elie learns quickly that any attachment, even to his father, can make himself a target. He is ashamed, but also filled with a burning rage: I shall never forgive them for this.

Why was Elie's father struck by the gypsy?

Elie's father was struck by the gypsy because he asked where the bathroom was and the gypsy thought he was asking for his wallet. The misunderstanding led to the gypsy lashing out in anger and hitting Elie's father.

Why does the gypsy strike Elies father and how does Elie react?

Ele's father was struck for asking wher te oilets wher.

What is Elie Wiesel's father's first name?

His name is Shlomo. It isn't used in the book till the very end.

Who decides the fate of Elie and his father in their first selection at Birkenau?


Is elie father angry at elie for deserting him?


What happen to elie father when he continues to ask for water?

Elie Wiesel's father was beaten by a German officer when he continued to ask for water while being transported in a cattle car to Buchenwald concentration camp. The officer struck his father with a truncheon, causing his father's death.

What did Elie discover when he awoke from his first night at Gleiwitz?

When Elie awoke from his first night at Gleiwitz, he discovered that his father was missing. He later learned that his father had been taken to the crematorium and cremated.

Who recognizes elie and his father in Auschwitz?

Elie and his father are recognized by a fellow prisoner named Juliek in Auschwitz, who knew Elie from their hometown of Sighet.

What is Elie Wiesels fathers name?

Elie Wisel father's name Chlomo or Shlomo Wiesel