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Eleanor of Aquitaine had a lasting effect on European culture. She was a queen, mother of kings, regent, and so on, as many women were whose effects were much less than hers. But what she did was to influence the arts and customs of her times in profoundly important ways.

She was probably the most important patron of the arts of her age. Literature, music, and art were all guided to some extent by her.

She was also important in promoting the Code of Chivalry, which changed how people imagined their places in society. The role of the knight was no longer simply to be a strongman with a horse, but to protect the poor and weak, to be courteous and honorable, and even to pursue love with a view to the standards she stood by.

Without Eleanor, the Middle Ages might very likely have been quite different from what it was.

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Q: How did Eleanor of Aquitaine impact the lives of those living in the Middle Ages?
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