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The Edyptian rulers used there absoulte power

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Q: How did Egyptian rulers govern their empire by?
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How did Egyptian rulers govern their empire?

By ruling with absolute power over the people.

Why was the Egyptian empire able to be controlled at times by the rulers from Nubia?

the egyptians were took over

How did Egypt rulers govern their empire?

They had a theocracy.This means they believed that the pharaohs were their gods and were the main reason they had life and peace.

How did Egyptians govern their empire?

They govern their empire by using their absolute power.

Who started a school to help rulers govern well?

Offa of Mercia and Edwin of Northumbria started a school to help rulers govern well

What art forms from other civilizations were copied and used by the rulers of the Persian Empire?

Assyrian, Egyptian, Babylonian, Lydian, Phoenician, Greek.

What is the best way for rulers to govern?

to have a democracy

The rulers of ancient Egypt were what?

ancient Egyptian rulers were called Pharaohs.

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What is Ancient Egyptian rulers?

a Pharaoh


ancient Egyptian rulers .

The abbasids were rulers of what empire?

The abbasids were rulers of the Islamic Empire back in the 700s to 1200s.