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Q: How did Deborah Sampson and Mary Ludwig Hays help the patriot cause?
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How did Deborah Sampon send help the patriot cause?

Deborah Sampson helped the patriot cause by pretending to be a man and enlisting in the army.

How many siblings did Deborah Sampson have?

They were Susanna Baker Shepard, Earl Gannett, Patience Gannett, and Mary Gannett.

What are 5 ways women contributed to the patriot cause?

Mary Ludwig, A.K.A. Molly Pitcher, was the wife of someone fighting in the American Revolution who brought water to soldiers in need during the war. Once her husband was wounded, she took his place and fired the canon at war. Deborah Sampson was a woman who wanted to fight in the American Revolutionary War, so she dressed up as a man so she could fight. She was finally discovered when she was sick with yellow fever. Women -cooked -washed clothes -fed soldiers -and took care of the wounded soldiers

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I say Ralph Sampson cause he is faster and has more skills with dribbeling

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the patriot militia's political education and recruitment.

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People where inspired and changed to the Patriot side

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Who helped the Patriot cause by seizing British forts on the Southwestern Frontier?

George Rogers Clark helped the Patriot cause by seizing British forts on the southwestern frontier.

Who help the patriot cause by seizing British forts on the southwestern frontier?

George Rogers Clark helped the Patriot cause by seizing British forts on the southwestern frontier.

What was Deborah Sampson famous for?

She fought for the patriot cause dressed as a man because women weren't allowed to fight as a soldier. In 1781 she decided to dress as a man so she could travel and explore and sewed a suit to wear. Then, she got the idea to serve as a soldier, but there is a bit of confusion about when she joined. Some reports state it was 1781 while another has 1782 because when she petitioned for back pay she used both dates. She fought as a light infantryman in the Hudson valley and was wounded in the battle in the thigh with Tory soldiers. She removed the bullet herself but the area gave her problems the rest of her life. In another battle she got another wound when she was shot through the shoulder, but it was when she was hospitalized for a fever it was discovered she was a woman by the doctor treating her. Instead of turning her in he let her recover in peace in his own home with his wife and family. In 1785 she was discharged and married Benjamin Gannett. They had 3 children and a small farm.

How did Mercy Otis Warren the Patriot cause?

She helped the Patriot cause by writing plays and stories about the British. By doing so she made fun of the British.I don't know why this is the answer but it is trust me.