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he destroyed his city and killed moctezuma

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he thought that Cortes was a white skinned god and welcomed him in.

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Q: How did Cortes treat Moctezuma?
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How did Moctezuma and Cortes treat each other when they met?

Montezuma thought that cores was a god so the began to believe on him

Why did the Aztecs treat Cortes as a god?

He was treated like a god because Moctezuma thought that he was a Spanish god

What did Cortes tries to steal in the Aztec Empire?

Cortes thought that Moctezuma knew where the fountain of youth was and he thought Moctezuma had a lot of gold.

What helped Cortes defeat moctezuma?

they had a deafeat

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Why does moctezuma pay great reverence to Cortes?

Moctezuma paid great reverence to Cortes because he initially believed Cortes might be a god or harbinger of the god Quetzalcoatl, as was prophesied. Moctezuma also sought to avoid conflict and maintain peace by showing respect to Cortes and his men, hoping to appease them and avoid confrontation.

When Montezuma first saw Cortez how did he view him?

Moctezuma allowed Cortes to stay in Aztec homeland because when Moctezuma first saw Cortes he thought he was a god.

Who is the Incan king?

i think it was moctezuma or hernan Cortes

Why did Cortes kill moctezuma?

Greed and as a show of power.

When did the battle between Cortes and moctezuma happen?


What happen when moctezuma offered Cortes gold to get him to leave?

When Moctezuma offered Cortes gold to get him to leave, Cortes saw an opportunity to exploit the Aztec ruler's weakness and decided to stay and conquer the Aztec Empire instead. This act of offering gold backfired as it only encouraged Cortes to further exploit Moctezuma's vulnerability and continue his campaign of conquest.

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