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he funded himself. So he didnt receive money from anybody but himself.

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Q: How did Cortes get the money for his expeditions expedition?
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HERNAN CORTES, found a SPANISH town on the island in 1519 he was elected captin of the 3 expeditions or the mainland an expedition which he partly funded

What money did Hernan Cortes use?

Hernan Cortes used a great deal of his own money during his expeditions and exploration missions. This was Spanish money that was standard during this time frame.

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Same reason as the first expedition, and other similar expeditions: in the expectation of making money.

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No, "expedition" is a singular noun. The plural form is "expeditions."

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yes he took them as slaves

What country sponsored Cortes's voyage?

Spain, and its colony in Cuba. As Cortes was the Mayor of the capital of Cuba, and Diego Velazquez was the Governor of Cuba, both paid half the cost of the expedition, Cortes having to borrow money to finance it.

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Expedition Week - 2011 Extreme Expeditions was released on: USA: 11 November 2011