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Initially, Christopher Columbus's plan was to complete a voyage across the Atlantic from Spain to Asia. His reasoning was that, contrary to the beliefs of the day, the Earth was round, and sailors could not possibly "fall off the face of the planet sailing too close to the edge."

After his proprosal of the voyage was rejected by King John II of Portugal, Columbus turned to Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain. Columbus initially presented his idea to the Spanish monarchs, who were left with many questions. They did not accept his first proposal, but they also did not reject it.

In the end, however, both Isabella and Ferdinand had a strong desire to catch up to their Portuguese neighbors in terms of global wealth and power. They figured that Columbus's voyage could do just that, expecting huge monetary returns from the New World gold and silver sources. Tempted by Columbus's promise of gold and imperialistic power, Queen Isabella soon agreed to financially sponsor his voyage.

However, Columbus did not leave without first laying out terms of his own. Attempting to gain financial security for himself and his future heirs, Columbus demanded the following terms from the Spanish crown:

  • 10% of all wealth Spain obtained from the lands he visited would be given to Columbus.
  • He also asked that the above term also be applied to any and all future visits Spain made to the New World, regardless of the explorer.
  • The title Virrey (Viceroy) of the lands Columbus discovered. He also demanded the title Almirante de los Mares (Admiral of the Ocean Seas) be granted.
Isabella and Ferdinand agreed to the terms and had Columbus sign the contract in April 1492.
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6y ago

He promised riches and gold, but he never knew North America stood in his way to reach China. Had he reached it he would have become very wealthy and the crown needed as much as they could get to keep up their living standards. He never found Asia nor North America, but the Bahamas. At one point he was only a few hundred miles from Florida coastline. His second voyage was 17 ships, 1200 people to settle as colonists and he took 1600 Native Americans as slaves. Of those 500 he sent to Spain.

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13y ago

they sponsored Columbus because he said I will suceed

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12y ago

he said he might find gold silver and other treasures

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6y ago

Columbus would take the catholic religion to the people of Asia.

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