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He stole cocoa beans from them and that is how we got chocolate.

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Q: How did Christopher Columbus impact the Aztecs?
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What impact did Christopher Columbus have on Canada?

Christopher Columbus did not have an impact on Canada, BUT he did make an impact to america by opening the way to the new world .

Who was the leader of the Spanish against the Aztecs?

The spanish leader was Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus impact today?

Christopher Columbus impact today can be seen through the various continents. He is the one who is credited with the discovery of the New World.

Who has had an impact on America?

Christopher Columbus was the founder of America

What is Christopher's Columbus impact on history?

crhistopher colombus was stupid

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no impact

Did Christopher Columbus meet the Aztecs?

No, he never got to Mexico. Instead he was in the Bahamas.

Is it true Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who conquered the Aztecs and the Incas?

Yes he was an Italian the rest im not sure about

What country did Christopher Columbus conquer for?

Christopher Columbus did not conquer any country. Hernando cortés conquerd the Aztecs and Francisco pizzaro conquered the incas. Christoper columbus went out to go and try to find the America's. Instead he found the Asia. He tried to find it but didnt. So Christopher Columbus didn't conquer anyone. 😄

What did Christopher Columbus bo?

Christoper columbus was an explorer he found america

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what were christopher columbus' major accomplishments and how was the impact on people and was it a negative or a positive and was it harmful or helpful

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cheese is good