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The change was that they was looking for a water route from Europe to indies people and their life was change

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Q: How did Christopher Columbus's voyages open up the Old World to changes?
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How did christopher Columbus voyages inspire europeans?

Christopher Columbus's voyages inspired European powers to seek out the new world as well.

Who wrote many letters describing his voyages to the new world?

Christopher Columbus wrote many letters describing his voyages to the New World.

What journey did Christopher Columbus take?

He made three voyages of discovery to the new world.

Was Christopher Columbus in a hurricane?

No. but he did encounter a tropical storm on one of his voyages to the New World.

Who explored cuba bahama's and hispaniola?

Christopher Columbus landed on Cuba on his 1st and 4th voyages to the New World.

When christopher columbus made his famous voyages to the new world he?

believed he had reached the Indies (Asia)

What did Christopher Columbus do when he made his famous voyages to the New World?

obtained his financial backing from the portuguese queen

What is christopher Columbus greatest achievement?

he made three voyages he found the "new world" or what we call the Americas today. Not that he made three voyages.

Did Christopher Columbus ever return to the new lands after he found them?

Columbus made four separate voyages to the New World.

How colombus changed history?

The voyages of Christopher Columbus resulted in Europeans realizing that an entire western hemisphere existed. Following his voyages, European powers began to colonize this New World. The results of his voyages was one of most significant events of all time.

Which place did Columbus explore during his four voyages to the new world?

Christopher Columbus explored areas in what is now the Bahamas, Cuba, and Central American on his four voyages to the New World. He also explored parts of the northern region of South America.

What explorer claimed land in the new world for two different countries?

Christopher Columbus claimed land in the New World for both Spain and Portugal during his voyages.