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It use to be that the senate ruled the Roman Empire then Julius said that he was emperor and the senate was subordinate to him. This was a serious demotion to the senators, they didn't appreciate it, so they killed Julius. That didn't put an end to the emperors however. Roman Emperors continued for another thousand years.

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16y ago
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10y ago

The history of Julius Cesar as a politician is in constant debate. Much of this has to do with the complexity of his role. Cesar was at one point both a dictator and an elected official. He did strengthen the senate by establishing close ties with Italy and other provinces. He made them all one collective unit to solidify Roman control.

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13y ago

No, Julius Caesar ran roughshod over the power of the senate. He was a man who liked things done quickly and had no patience for the long-winded speeches and debates in the senate. He pushed through legislation, many times without consulting the senate. That's the reason for so much hatred against him by certain senators.

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13y ago

He took compete power over rome. (became dictator for life)

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15y ago

He made himself monarch or dictator for life.

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Q: How did Caesar weaken the power of the senate?
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What happened during the war Julius Caesar started?

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Which leader of the first Triumvirate challenged the power of the senate?

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Why would the roman senate be likely to lead the opposition to Caeser's growing power?

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Was Caesar named dictator for life by the senate?

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Who ordered Julius Caesar back to rome?

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