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He was born into a world where slavery was accepted. Late in life, he became an active abolitionist.

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Q: How did Benjamin Franklin justify having slaves?
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Did Benjamin Franklin free his slaves?

benjiman franklin let his slaves free

How many slaves did Benjamin Franklin own and what were their names?

He owned two slaves, George and King

What is the document did Benjamin Franklin publish to address educating former slaves?


Why did the delegate Benjamin Franklin said that slaves should not be counted as representation?

he thought it was fair for the states without slaves

How did Benjamin Franklin get to the Constitutional Convention?

Although Benjamin Franklin's mind remained active, his body was deteriorating. He was in constant pain because of gout and having a stone in his bladder, and he could barely walk. He would enter the convention hall in a sedan chair carried by four prisoners from the Walnut Street jail in Philadelphia.

Was Benjamin Franklin treated unfairly?

By all accounts, Benjamin Franklin was an exceptionally fair and honest man. That would lead us to conclude that his handling of his slaves was no different. That he changed his views of the negro race later in life and became an active proponent for abolition and education of freed slaves also indicates his character in this regard. Having endured indentured servitude himself, Franklin likely had great empathy for those forced into slavery. Ben Franklin's autobiography is available free of charge for the Kindle/iPhone/iPad from It is an excellent source of information about Franklin, though it doesn't mention his ownership of slaves. See link below for more information.

How did Europeans justify taking people from Africa and making them slaves?

it was a chance for the slaves to become catholics.

Did Benjamin Franklin support the three-fifths compromise?

Yes. He agreed with it because he knew some smaller states had more slaves than larger ones.

Did Benjamin Franklin own slaves?

Benjamin Franklin owned at least two slaves, George and King, before becoming an avid abolitionist in the years following the Revolutionary War. I would add Peter and Jemima who are mentioned in his will to be freed but had already died before Franklin. There was also Othello who died at a young age. So that makes five and he had two slaves long after he became an abolitionist.

Who are Phillis Wheatley's parents?

No one really knows what her mother and fathers name is.

Why did slave owners support racism?

Plantation owners supported and propagated racism to justify owning people as slaves.

Who was the prosecutor of the Amistad?

The prosecutor of the Amistad case was United States Attorney Benjamin Franklin Butler, who argued the case on behalf of the Spanish government claiming ownership of the slaves aboard the ship.