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Benjamin Franklin did not invent electricity. He did some experiments with it however. One experiment (that may be only a legend) is that he flew a kite in a thunderstorm, and confirmed by the charge on a metal key that lightning is an electrical phenomenon. I LIKE PIE

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11y ago

He didn't discover electricity . He just proved it was natural in nature. The ancients knew about electricity but never understood it..

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Q: How did Benjamin Franklin discover electricity?
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Who was the first discover electricity?

Benjamin Franklin was the first to discover electricity.

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How did Benjamin Franklin discover lightning was electricity?

He Looked At It!

Benjamin Franklin and electricity?

Benjamin Franklin was the Father of Electricity. He did not invent it, but he did discover it. He simply did the kite and key experiment to find that lightning is just electricity.

Did Benjamin Franklin discover electricity?

No. Electricity was around long before Ben Franklin -- or humans for that matter.

When did Benjamin Franklin discover that lightning was electricity?

he discovered it in his home of Philedalphia

In what state did Benjamin Franklin discover electricity?

He did this near his home in Pennsylvania.

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No, but he did discover electricity

Who was the first to discover electricity?

The concept of electricity was known to ancient cultures, but Benjamin Franklin is often credited with discovering electricity as a discrete form of energy through his famous kite experiment in 1752.

What did Benjamin Franklin discover and why is it important discovery?

Electricity. It is important today because we use electricity for almost everything.

How many times did Benjamin Franklin try to discover electricity before he was successful?

Benjamin Franklin did not discover electricity; rather, he conducted famous experiments that helped to understand its properties. He conducted his key experiment with the kite and key only once.