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In 1924, socialist leader Giacomo Matteotti was assassinated after denouncing the elections of that year. Later that year, the fascist paramilitary MVSN (also known as the Blackshirts) gave an ultimatum to Mussolini Ð he could crush the opposition or they would do it without him. This caused Mussolini to drop all pretenses of democracy in January 1925. After 1926, Mussolini formally outlawed all other parties following an assassination attempt on his life.

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12y ago

He had fascist thugs that would beat up communists and opposition to him in the early days. sometimes his opposition would be murdered by fascists but Mussolini did not often approve of this. when Mussolini was voted out of the Grand Council of Fascists in 1943 he was forced by Hitler to make an example of them by putting them on trial for treason and shot by firing squad. Mussolini, although a Fascist dictator was not a violent man and would rather have his opposition exiled than killed or imprisoned. sometimes he did not even do anything about his opposition and let them be.

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6y ago

He did what all dictators do he killed them. Putin does the same thing today to get rid of opposition.

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Q: How did Benito Mussolini deal with opposition in order to stay in power?
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