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By selling arms to the Mexican rebels, known as Juaristasin Mexico.

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Q: How did Americans make the French leave Mexico?
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Why does America make jokes about Mexico?

Americans make fun of everybody, not just Mexico. Just ask any French or Canadian. On the other hand, almost everybody is the butt of jokes for every other country: for Canadians are their southern neighbors; for Englishmen is the rest of Europe; for Spaniards are the Portuguese and French; and so on. The root of such jokes is mostly due to ignorance, old stereotypes and even outright racism and xenophobia.

Who did the French fur trappers make their business partners?

the french made the Native Americans their business partners

How can Americans make foods that french people eat?

by getting the recipe

Why did Mexico stop allowing Americans into Texas?

The Texans felt no loyalty to Mexico. They would not convert to their Catholic faith, would not give up owning slaves, and also wanted to make Texas a state, all of which the Mexico did not agree with.

What point did Ida B Wells make about lynching in the South?

The only chance that African Americans had to protect themselves was to leave the South

From whom did the french settlers learn to make birch-bark canoes?

native americans

Whom did French settlers learn to make birch bark canoes?

native americans

Descendants of what nationalities make up the majority of Canada's population?

The French, the British and the Native Americans.

Why didn't the Iroquois make an alliance with the french?

They expected the French to defeat the British in a war. The Native Americans also feared that the British wanted their land.

What point did the Ida make about lynching in the south?

The only chance that African Americans had to protect themselves was to leave the South.

What did Ida B. Wells make about lynching in the South?

The only chance that African Americans had to protect themselves was to leave the South.