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I guess it depends on which one you mean. The Americans seemed to arrive late for both world wars. (Seriously though...) the weight of the US industrial capability produced all kinds of weapons ships, tanks, plance rifles and ammunition and never faced much serious threat from enemy bombing. A massive manpower to draft into the armed services meant sheer weight of numbers and superior quanities of weapons could and did influence battles. At sea the US aircraft carriers were larger and more numerous than the Japanese, and despite Pearl Harbour, tactically they were able to out manoevre the enemy in the Pacific. Fianlly the access to oil reserves and the will of the politicians and people to defend old allies like Britain in the war against fascism and promote capitalism and democracy - in that order- led to American troops (sailors and airmen) to turn the tide in several battlefields. On the home front, in common with other nations involved in world war (weltkrieg)women contributed as replacement labour in the armaments and other essential industries (Rosie the Rivetter) and thus maintained the high levels of output necessary to win any major conflict. The belief (in both world wars at least) that the Americans were fighting on the side of right was a positive, with popular support in the main for "foreign" wars. Since the UN involvements in Korea and the US support for South Vietnam against the Communist North Vietnamese through the late 1950s and into the 1970s, popular support for foreign wars has never given the American forces the support necessary to turn the military-industrial superiority into a popular successful military success. (Take the two Gulf wars!) So...go for it.

Maybe the answerer should have read the category?

Category: American Revolution

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10y ago

Some people might give you an argument as to whether we were really any help at all but we provided over a million fresh troops, large amounts of supplies and monetary aid at a critical time which tilted the balance in the allies favor. Well, to be quite honest. The large number of soldiers could have brought the allies the victory if they were ever to engaged in battle. Truth is WWI ended with the Americans only seeing very little action (thank god for those young blokes). Second point brought up is very near the truth. The enormous monetary impulse made it happen. Still, let us not forget that the soldiers (both central powers and allies) were sick and tired with the war after four years running up and down the same field. The idea of the US joining the war with an enormous amount of fresh soldiers demoralized the German troops and (more important) high command. Question back though. Didn't the US do something naval as well?

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15y ago

Well actually they didn't. When the Germans started their 1918 offensive, it was hugelysuccessful Eventually, it was bogged down from British, French and Belgian machine guns and artillery units. The Germans encountered many casualties, this was the final card in the Germans hands, now they went on the defencive as the British, French and Belgian forces retook all the lost territory There were only a very small number of pockets of American soldier's under British or French command. When the American 1st army arrived under Perishing this was just a morale boost, not the turning tide, the ultimate defeat was handed out to Germany from Britain and France not from U.S. support, which was minimal

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12y ago

The primary contribution of American troops in WW1 was the threat of their imminent arrival. This alarmed the Germans to the extent that they were forced to undertake the offensive having been more defensive during the war. This meant they were more exposed and vulnerable to counter attack American troops were rather poorly trained and not use to the nature of fighting. They did however serve fantastically and contributed to the Allied counter offensive of spring and summer 1918. However, like i said earlier, perhaps their most telling contribution was the threat of their immient arrival on the western front.

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12y ago

German and Allied troops were exhausted after 3 years of fighting. The Americans brought in a large number of fresh troops which helped the Allies advance on Germany.

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15y ago

Simply put, the US helped to turn the tide by providing fresh troops and access to materiel for the Allies.

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