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Rebuild cities that have been destroyed like Alexandria

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Q: How did Alexander the great show respect for conquered culture?
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What did Alexander spread to his conquered people?

Well Alexander the Great spreaded the hellenistic culture to places he conquered.

What Greek conqueror spread Hellenic culture throughout all of his conquered land?

Alexander the great spread Hellenic culture through all his conquered lands.

Who conquered the Greeks and spread Greek culture in Egypt?

Alexander the Great.

Who gave Alexander the Great a great respect for Greek culture?


What was the principal focus of Greed culture?

The Greed Culture was a principle founded by Alexander the Great. The principle focus of the Greed culture was acceptance of the cultures of the lands and people that Alexander the Great conquered.

Did Alexander have an effect on the conquered people and how?

Yes , Alexander the Great did influence those whom he had conquered by inculcating/introducing Greek culture into those societies .

What are two accomplishments Alexander the great had?

Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire and spread Greek culture throughout southwest Asia.

Who conquered a large empire that spread the Greek culture throughout the world?

Alexander the Great!

Which Greek Macedonian king promoted greek culture and conquered Persia?

Answer: Alexander the Great.

What was the name of the conqueror who prayed to all his conquered civilization's gods out of respect for them?

Alexander the Great, I think.

Which famous greek conquered Egypt?

Alexander the great of Greece conquered the world.

Who introduced Greek culture to the Israelites?

Greek culture was introduced to the Middle East by Alexander the Great when he conquered the Persian Empire.