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Q: How did African Americans win greater social rights between 1920 and the 1960's?
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Which action did president Johnson take that showed he did not support greater rights for African Americans in the south?

President Andrew Johnson showed he did not support greater rights for African Americans in the south by vetoing the freedman's bureau and the civil rights act of 1868. President Johnson came into office after President Abraham Lincoln's assassination.

What rights were given to African-Americans?

What rights were given to African-Americans wright/type what YOU think.

Why did president grant want the enforcement acts of 1870 to accomplish?

Full civil rights for African Americans..

What was Wilson's position on civil rights for African-Americans?

He refuse to extend civil rights to African Americans

Presdident Grants support of the enforcement acts showed that he wanted to do what?

protect the rights of african americans - APEX

What did the thirteenth amendment do for enslaved African-Americans?

This Amendment Freed African Americans and gave them some civil rights. This Amendment Freed African Americans and gave them some civil rights. This Amendment Freed African Americans and gave them some civil rights.

what did Hiram Rhodes revels feel about former confederates?

He wanted them to respect the rights of African Americans.

What do you call and speaker for the rights of African-Americans?

A Civil Rights advocate. Though that doesn't only apply to African-Americans.