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You could tell because the planes were different - we had spitfires and hurricanes and the Nazis had Messersmitts, etc... Also, on the tail of the plane they usually had either the Nazi symbol or the RAF symbol along with the number of the plane. They were also probably different colours so if you were close enough you'd be able to tell. You have to train to learn how to recognize airplanes at distances. If you build or collect airplane models, you will gradually learn how to identify the shape of their wings and tail, etc. If you study books and such, you will also learn how to identify the different models such as the difference between a Bf-109E and a Bf-109G. Many guys learn how to identify their favorite cars. For example, some can identify the date a car was made by the shape of the tail lights. You can do the same if you study airplanes. The airmen had training material to teach them how to recognize not only the enemy aircraft but the Friendly aircaft. It wouldn't be good to shoot down one of your buddies or an Ally. They had field manuals and charts that showed aircraft from different views of each airplane. They also made model airplanes that they could actually see the shape. These plastic models were made in 1/72 scale exactly to scale and were completely black. Most were made by a company called Cruver. Examples of these models can be seen at the Smithsonian Museum next to the display of the Bf-109 and the Italian fighter. They are displayed on a wall and arranged by the different countries. Another place you can see these are at the US Navy Museum in Florida. They have some models suspended from the ceiling of their recreated Ready Room---which is also how the models were displayed for the airmen to study them.

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Q: How could you recognize the two enemy planes in the battle of Britain?
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Why do we celebrate The Battle of Britain?

If It wasn't for the pilots of the Battle of Britain, we could all be speaking German.

What new invention was used during the battle of Britain?

Radar was significant in the detection of the Luftwaffe.

Who started the battle of Britain?

Well the Germans clearly did as they began to invade England by use of planes. There was hardly a ground war is was an air war that the Germans thought they could win to bomb the British factories, supply routes and important structures

Did the battle of Britain help to shorten the war for the victorious

Certainly the victory of the Brits in the Battle of Britain turned the war around so the Allied Forces could have victory. Think about it. They had nearly destroyed all the Luftwaffe planes Hitler was not going to use for Operation Barbarossa. But, that did not matter. The Russians took care of the rest of the Luftwaffe. By the time the Allied Forces started fighting in the East and the West at the same time the Luftwaffe was a joke. They had less than a hundred planes by then. Their jets were a joke too because they were bad planes as far as aerodynamics and the pilots did not know how to fly the new jets.

What happened during the battle of brittain?

The Battle of Britain had many events of airplane battles, bombs being dropped on London and other cities with military manufacturers and on the ports. The airfields were bombed too. If you look at the statistics the Nazi Luftwaffe would usually lose more planes and pilots than the Brits would. The Nazis had to give up after "the Big Day" when they lost a lot of planes and had very few planes left. Adolf Hitler determined he could not make an invasion of England when he did not have air superiority and sea superiority. He called off the battle of Britain to focus on the invasion of the Soviet Union. To get more detail go to our attached links seen below.

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When did the british first use the fighter plane in World War 2?

I think it may have been in the Battle of Britain. I don't think the Dunkirk battle had any planes involved in that battle but I could be wrong.

Why do we celebrate The Battle of Britain?

If It wasn't for the pilots of the Battle of Britain, we could all be speaking German.

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Battle of Britain

What was the 1941 battle that demonstrated that Hitlers attack could be blocked?

Battle of Britain

What was Hitler's aim in the battle of Britain?

Hitler attempted to defeat Britain by attempting to gain air superiority over Britain. Hitler conducted a bombing campaign that began by attacking shipping centers and coastal shipping convoys and eventually moved to attacking areas of political significance and terror bombing.

What new invention was used during the battle of Britain?

Radar was significant in the detection of the Luftwaffe.

Who started the battle of Britain?

Well the Germans clearly did as they began to invade England by use of planes. There was hardly a ground war is was an air war that the Germans thought they could win to bomb the British factories, supply routes and important structures

Did the battle of Britain help to shorten the war for the victorious

Certainly the victory of the Brits in the Battle of Britain turned the war around so the Allied Forces could have victory. Think about it. They had nearly destroyed all the Luftwaffe planes Hitler was not going to use for Operation Barbarossa. But, that did not matter. The Russians took care of the rest of the Luftwaffe. By the time the Allied Forces started fighting in the East and the West at the same time the Luftwaffe was a joke. They had less than a hundred planes by then. Their jets were a joke too because they were bad planes as far as aerodynamics and the pilots did not know how to fly the new jets.

What happened during the battle of brittain?

The Battle of Britain had many events of airplane battles, bombs being dropped on London and other cities with military manufacturers and on the ports. The airfields were bombed too. If you look at the statistics the Nazi Luftwaffe would usually lose more planes and pilots than the Brits would. The Nazis had to give up after "the Big Day" when they lost a lot of planes and had very few planes left. Adolf Hitler determined he could not make an invasion of England when he did not have air superiority and sea superiority. He called off the battle of Britain to focus on the invasion of the Soviet Union. To get more detail go to our attached links seen below.

How the battle of Britain happen?

After Hitler's early victories to conquering, they now had mainland Europe and now Britain was next. But before they could invade, they had to get air superiority. So they sent a fleet of fighters/bombers to intercept the RAF. This battle was called the Battle of Britain.

What lesson was learned as the result of the battle of Britain?

that hilter's advances could be blocked

A crucial lesson learned in the Battle of Britain was?

That Germany in fact, COULD be stopped!