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In fact, the inflation was stopped and the currency stabilized in 1923-24. It involved massive deflation and was successful.

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Q: How could the weimar government have solved Hyperinflation?
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How could the Treaty of Versailles set Germany up for a leader like Hitler?

The Treaty of Versailles was hated by nearly all the Germans. They blamed the Weimar Government. During hyperinflation in 1923 and the Wall Street Crash in 1929, Hitler convinced everyone that it was the governments fault. Due to these terrible things, many people were homeless and starving. Hitler promised food, shelter and some happiness. People started to like him because he could save them. That is how someone like Hitler got into power.

Why did the roman government change during emergencies?

The Roman government changed during emergencies in order to get the crisis solved. Many times the consuls and the senate could not agree on a solution or a reaction to the emergency so they appointed a dictator who had full power to solve the problem.

What was the name of the German government after World War 1?

The short-lived democracy that existed in Germany from 1919 to 1933 was known as the Weimar Republic. It collapsed when Hitler used a loophole in its constitution - secretly arranging for the Reichstag (Parliament Building) to be set on fire so that he could declare a national emergency and establish himself as dictator. Some historians believe that the Republic's failure was also due in part to the way it was imposed by the Allies upon a Germany not included in plans for its future after World War I.

What happened when the victorious allies forced democracy on Germany after World War 1?

The Kaiser was forced to abdicate and a strict democracy was installed into Germany. It was referred to as the Weimar Government because it was set up in a small town called Weimar at first. Initially, it was led by Friedrich Ebert. 1919-1933 was known as the Weimar Government period, after which Adolf Hitler came into power.Many Germans hated the new Germany and felt resentment towards the Treaty of Versailles and Ebert, the man who signed it. They believed the treaty was not necessary, and they could have continued fighting. However, Ebert was forced to sign it to prevent invasion and a defeat on German soil. They also complained that the massive reparations would cripple them, but most felt that Germany had gotten what it deserved. Most historians consider the treaty to have been far too harsh, but public opinion of the Germans at the time meant that it would have been difficult for the heads of state to make it any lighter without being voted out of office by an enraged public.Years of problems followed the treaty. In 1923, there was hyperinflation, meaning that the German currency, the mark, became virtually worthless. Starvation, mass poverty, and unemployment followed. 1924-1929, the Weimar Government borrowed extensively from America, and this was known as the boom time. But with 1929 and the Stock Market Crash, they were plunged into debt and poverty again, being unable to pay back the money. This lasted until 1933 and the election of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party.

Why was the weimar republic considerd weak?

The Weimar Republic had serious weaknesses from the start. Germany lacked a strong democratic tradition, postwar Germany had several major political pares and many minor ones, and millions of Germans blamed the Weimar government and not the leaders for the country's defeat.

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The Treaty of Versailles was hated by nearly all the Germans. They blamed the Weimar Government. During hyperinflation in 1923 and the Wall Street Crash in 1929, Hitler convinced everyone that it was the governments fault. Due to these terrible things, many people were homeless and starving. Hitler promised food, shelter and some happiness. People started to like him because he could save them. That is how someone like Hitler got into power.

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The reichsmark was the currency of the Weimar republic during the '20s. The Weimar republic was the German government established by the Treaty of Versailles. The reichsmark was printed in massive quantities during the 1920s, which led to extreme inflation. A simple loaf of bread could cost an entire wheelbarrow full of reichsmarks. The German people often burned Reichsmarks to provide heat, because the money was worth less than the wood.

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