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how could new states enter the union

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Q: How could new states enter the union?
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The of 1787 created the process by which new states could enter the Union?


What are the last four states to enter the union?

New Mexico,Arizona,Alaska,Hawaii

What are two conditions that the national government has imposed on the new state entering the Union in the past?

All states must enter the union with the same terms as the original states. A state that was previously apart of another state can not enter the union without consent from the states concerned and of congress.

What are two conditions that the national government has imposed on a new state entering the union on the past?

All states must enter the union with the same terms as the original states. A state that was previously apart of another state can not enter the union without consent from the states concerned and of congress.

What are two conditions that the national government has imposed on a new state entering the union in the past?

All states must enter the union with the same terms as the original states. A state that was previously apart of another state can not enter the union without consent from the states concerned and of congress.

What are the first five states to enter the union.?

New Hamphire Massachusetts Georgia Virginia Rhode Island

What is New Mexico's date of statehood?

January 6, 1912 The 47th state to enter union of states.

Whose approval is needed for a state to enter the Union?

Congress approves new states into the united states of america. New states may not be created from within other existing states however.

What were the first 7 states to enter the union?

delaware, pennsylvania, massachusetts, connecticut, new york, virginia, rhode island

What is the third state that entred the United States?

New Jersey was the third state to enter the Union. New Jersey became a state on December 18, 1787.

When did new hamsire enter the union?

a time

Why were people concerned about new states into the union?

why people were concered about new states coming into the union