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Just look at the results. Augustus succeeded where Caesar failed because Octavian/Augustus thought things out and planned. Caesar was too impulsive in his politics. Quick action served Caesar well on the battlefield, but in politics more thoughtful actions were needed. Augustus realized this, Caesar did not.

Just look at the results. Augustus succeeded where Caesar failed because Octavian/Augustus thought things out and planned. Caesar was too impulsive in his politics. Quick action served Caesar well on the battlefield, but in politics more thoughtful actions were needed. Augustus realized this, Caesar did not.

Just look at the results. Augustus succeeded where Caesar failed because Octavian/Augustus thought things out and planned. Caesar was too impulsive in his politics. Quick action served Caesar well on the battlefield, but in politics more thoughtful actions were needed. Augustus realized this, Caesar did not.

Just look at the results. Augustus succeeded where Caesar failed because Octavian/Augustus thought things out and planned. Caesar was too impulsive in his politics. Quick action served Caesar well on the battlefield, but in politics more thoughtful actions were needed. Augustus realized this, Caesar did not.

Just look at the results. Augustus succeeded where Caesar failed because Octavian/Augustus thought things out and planned. Caesar was too impulsive in his politics. Quick action served Caesar well on the battlefield, but in politics more thoughtful actions were needed. Augustus realized this, Caesar did not.

Just look at the results. Augustus succeeded where Caesar failed because Octavian/Augustus thought things out and planned. Caesar was too impulsive in his politics. Quick action served Caesar well on the battlefield, but in politics more thoughtful actions were needed. Augustus realized this, Caesar did not.

Just look at the results. Augustus succeeded where Caesar failed because Octavian/Augustus thought things out and planned. Caesar was too impulsive in his politics. Quick action served Caesar well on the battlefield, but in politics more thoughtful actions were needed. Augustus realized this, Caesar did not.

Just look at the results. Augustus succeeded where Caesar failed because Octavian/Augustus thought things out and planned. Caesar was too impulsive in his politics. Quick action served Caesar well on the battlefield, but in politics more thoughtful actions were needed. Augustus realized this, Caesar did not.

Just look at the results. Augustus succeeded where Caesar failed because Octavian/Augustus thought things out and planned. Caesar was too impulsive in his politics. Quick action served Caesar well on the battlefield, but in politics more thoughtful actions were needed. Augustus realized this, Caesar did not.

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Just look at the results. Augustus succeeded where Caesar failed because Octavian/Augustus thought things out and planned. Caesar was too impulsive in his politics. Quick action served Caesar well on the battlefield, but in politics more thoughtful actions were needed. Augustus realized this, Caesar did not.

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Q: How could it be argued that Augustus Caesar succeeded where Julius had failed?
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What was the most important thing about Augustus?

Octavian, later titled Augustus, was a major figure in the history of ancient Rome and in ancient history as a whole. Given the task of the question to provide the single most important aspect of this man places any answer in the area of subjectivity. It certainly can be argued that at a very young age he was the force that unified the empire and kept it out of civil wars for many years.

Who says et tu brute in Julius Caesar?

Question: In principle, Et tu, Brute! means "And you, too, brutus?" but i do not understand why the "us" changes to "e" in the name. i assume shakespeare was just trying to show off his knowledge of how latin endings change because of case, but isn't this still the nominative case?Correct Answer:No. The nominative case is used to indicate subjects, as in:Brutus venit. = Brutus is coming.BUT, in his tragedy "Julius Caesar,"when the dying Caesar addresses his erstwhile friend Brutus, who has joined the conspiracy to assassinate him, Wm Shakespeare was not showing off; he was correctly applying the vocative case form. The vocative case changes the name of the person who is is being addressed, as in:Et tu, Brute! = Even you, Brutus!This sentence means, 'you too, Brutus?' He was absolutely surprised, when he realized that, his son Brutus took part in the assassinate against him.

Was Julius Caesar a harsh and cruel leader?

Based on the histories available on the leadership qualities or any ecesses he may have taken in conquering foreign peoples or leading the government of Rome, it can be argued that he was no less harsh and cruel than other leaders of his time. This takes into consideration foreign rulers and earlier Roman rulers such as Sulla. One clear fault he did have was at a crucial time of Rome's history, when Caesar had conqured all of his Roman enemies, it is clear now that he was too forgiving in his treatment of Roman senators who were against him. Later, these same senators whom Caesar had "pardoned" when he could have had them executed, turned out to be many of the assassins that took his life.

What was Brutus' opinion of killing Mark Antony along with Caesar?

Brutus argued against killing Antony for two main reasons. First, he thought that if they killed anyone other than Caesar, everyone would view them as bloodthirsty murderers instead of liberators. Second, he did not think that Antony would retaliate against them due to the fact that his power would diminish with Caesar's death.

What would you say is the main reason the conspirators are defeated?

Caesar argued persuasively against the death penalty for the conspirators, proposing life imprisonment instead. A speech by Cato proved decisive and the conspirators were executed. !

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Why did Shakespeare entitle the play Julius Caesar?

Julius Caesar is a main character in the play, and even after his death appears as a ghost to Brutus. It can be and has been argued that Caesar's character overshadows the whole play, and so it is proper that it should be named after him. It is also possible that Shakespeare named the play after Caesar because he was better known than Brutus and so potential audience members were more likely to know what the play was about and buy tickets.

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It depends on whose "story of Julius Caesar" we are talking about. In most such stories Caesar is the main character. However if we are talking about Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar (which is a play and not a story), Caesar is actually dead for most of the play, which suggests that he is not the main character. Some people have argued that the short appearance of his ghost just before the Battle of Philippi and Cassius's remarks about how he will die by the same sword as Caesar mean that Caesar's spirit is at work even after his death, until his murderers are dead. However, that is stretching a point. It is simpler to say that Brutus is the main character in the play, since the real focus is on him and on the kind of political idealism (or possibly naiveté) he demonstrates.

What was the most important thing about Augustus?

Octavian, later titled Augustus, was a major figure in the history of ancient Rome and in ancient history as a whole. Given the task of the question to provide the single most important aspect of this man places any answer in the area of subjectivity. It certainly can be argued that at a very young age he was the force that unified the empire and kept it out of civil wars for many years.

Who says et tu brute in Julius Caesar?

Question: In principle, Et tu, Brute! means "And you, too, brutus?" but i do not understand why the "us" changes to "e" in the name. i assume shakespeare was just trying to show off his knowledge of how latin endings change because of case, but isn't this still the nominative case?Correct Answer:No. The nominative case is used to indicate subjects, as in:Brutus venit. = Brutus is coming.BUT, in his tragedy "Julius Caesar,"when the dying Caesar addresses his erstwhile friend Brutus, who has joined the conspiracy to assassinate him, Wm Shakespeare was not showing off; he was correctly applying the vocative case form. The vocative case changes the name of the person who is is being addressed, as in:Et tu, Brute! = Even you, Brutus!This sentence means, 'you too, Brutus?' He was absolutely surprised, when he realized that, his son Brutus took part in the assassinate against him.

When was Charles Augustus Lindbergh junior born?

Minnesota , or some have argued the motor city, Detroit. He was NOT from St. Louis, namesake of the airplane.

Was Julius Caesar a harsh and cruel leader?

Based on the histories available on the leadership qualities or any ecesses he may have taken in conquering foreign peoples or leading the government of Rome, it can be argued that he was no less harsh and cruel than other leaders of his time. This takes into consideration foreign rulers and earlier Roman rulers such as Sulla. One clear fault he did have was at a crucial time of Rome's history, when Caesar had conqured all of his Roman enemies, it is clear now that he was too forgiving in his treatment of Roman senators who were against him. Later, these same senators whom Caesar had "pardoned" when he could have had them executed, turned out to be many of the assassins that took his life.

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What was Brutus' opinion of killing Mark Antony along with Caesar?

Brutus argued against killing Antony for two main reasons. First, he thought that if they killed anyone other than Caesar, everyone would view them as bloodthirsty murderers instead of liberators. Second, he did not think that Antony would retaliate against them due to the fact that his power would diminish with Caesar's death.

What would you say is the main reason the conspirators are defeated?

Caesar argued persuasively against the death penalty for the conspirators, proposing life imprisonment instead. A speech by Cato proved decisive and the conspirators were executed. !

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martin luther argued that the ?

Which two Australian explorers argued about their achievements?

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