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Every tribe was different. Taking the Crow tribe as one example, a young man first needed to have accompanied a war party as a kind of servant, horse minder, water carrier and so on (the Crow name for this task means "little toe"), then later he would be permitted to join war parties as a warrior.

Then a man would progress to becoming a scout for a war party (called "wolf" in the Crow language), then a leader of scouts. Later, after achieving at least four confirmed coups, he would become a pipeholder or war party leader ("he who carries the pipe" or "he who owns the war party"). If he earned respect by leading successful raids against enemy tribes he would be made a chief, then perhaps a band chief or even head chief of one of the Crow divisions. If he failed as a war leader he would never rise any higher in rank.

But above all of these, a man needed to have experienced a sacred vision and a spirit helper who would provide him with a war medicine, a war song, a war paint design and even a new name. Without this religious element the man could achieve more coups than anyone else and still be considered a minor warrior without any respect. A man experiencing an important vision might jump straight to the status of chief without going through all the different stages.

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Aisha Wiza

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Q: How could a person become a chief of a Indian group?
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Who was Indian Chief Joseph?

Chief Joseph was a Nez Perce Indian chief. In 1877, he led his tribe on its famous thousand mile retreat through Idaho, Washington, and Montana (in an attempt to reach Canada) after he realized he could not defeat the United States Army, which was forcing the tribe off of its lands. When he finally surrendered, he said, "I will fight no more forever."

What was the role of women in the Pequot tribe?

Pequot women were responsible for the majority of the food preparation and child care. The women also worked the farms. Long ago, only men could become a Pequot chief, but now it is possible for a woman to become chief.

What did a boy have to do to become a knight in in the middle ages?

To become a knight, a boy was normally apprenticed to a knight at about age seven. After serving seven years as a page, the boy became a squire, and after seven years as a squire, he could become a knight. There were other ways a person could become a knight, including performing some very meritorious service to a king or other person capable of elevating a person to knighthood.

What is the CIO?

As an individual it could mean Chief Information Officer. It could mean the Congress of Industrial Organizations, which consolidated with the American Federation of Labor to become the umbrella group of the US labor movement called the AFLCIO.

What type of people in rome could becom consuls?

The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.

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Chief Joseph was a Nez Perce Indian chief. In 1877, he led his tribe on its famous thousand mile retreat through Idaho, Washington, and Montana (in an attempt to reach Canada) after he realized he could not defeat the United States Army, which was forcing the tribe off of its lands. When he finally surrendered, he said, "I will fight no more forever."

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What was the role of women in the Pequot tribe?

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