The fortune teller sat in his throne of augury.
The augury predicted floods and famine after watching the bird's frantic behavior.
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Usually through some sort of soothsaying, i.e. visiting an oracle or by reading "signs" like in Augury.
The priests who read the omens of the gods were the Augurs. The practice of reading the omens of the gods was called augury.
Several auguries were revealed to Caesar before his death.
An augury is a divination based on the appearance and behaviour of animals, or, by extension, any omen or prediction.
an omen or prophecy
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, synonyms for augury include: prediction, bodement, cast, forecast, foretelling, soothsaying, and prophecy.
The cast of The Carbon Augury - 2009 includes: Steve Hovey as Man Stephen Llewellyn as Narrator Nicholas McQuillen as Boy
Conjecture, omen, prophecy, augury...
signal, augury, import, weight, moment
Yes it did. This is because the laws and government of the Roman government were connected to religious rules and, especially, augury (the divination of the omens of the gods). Decisions which affected public concerns had to be preceded by augury.
Pagan practices are all those that are not Christian.
The augurs were priests who practiced augury, the divination of the omens of the gods. Roman religion demanded that before taking any action of public concern, augury should be performed to see it it received the consent of the gods. These were often performed by the augurs. However, to make the start of political proceedings easier, the consuls (the two annually elected heads of the Roman Republic) were also allowed to perform augury.
There are no words that can be spelled using all of these letters.The longest word possible is augury.
augury, cast, conjecture, guess, prognostication, hunch, foretelling, foresight, etc.....