If electricity is available nearby, local villagers can pool their money and buy needed equipment to bring it into the village. Other than that a Generater can be bought to provide power.
The address of the Villages Public Library is: 325 Belvedere Boulevard, The Villages, 32162 5386
this link will provide you with a list of town an villages in Ireland sorted out alphabetically http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_towns_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
Slum housing is basically what they were given. The mills took advantage of the workers with low wages, long hours, and poor conditions.
Villages that are native to a region and on a coast..........
Today Vietnam has electricity. In cities and even villages the Vietnamese population has access to electricity to run their fridges, televisions, air conditioners and computers. If you travel to Vietnam, look up. The electrical wires that are strung from pole to pole are a mass of black cobwebs, tangled webs of wire that are a fire-fighter's/electrician's nightmare. Blackouts are somewhat common due to hurricanes or government mandates in an effort to cut back usage in the summer. Vietnam has one of the fastest growing economies in the world and accessing electricity whether legally or illegally is not an issue for most.
India has around 80,000 villages without electricity and 25,000-odd among them have little chance of being connected to the power grid in the conventional way.These villages were without electricity for 20 years!!
In the cities and bigger villages - yes.
In some villages and towns but not in the jungle area.
Yes, houses in Kazakhstan have electricity. Not all houses have plumbing, especially in villages.
Developing countries often do not have an extensive electricity supply and grid. Villages may be far from this grid and electricity is thus not available. Solar cells can fill this gap and provide local electricity. Developing countries are also largely close to the tropics where there is an abundance of sun.
Developing countries often do not have an extensive electricity supply and grid. Villages may be far from this grid and electricity is thus not available. Solar cells can fill this gap and provide local electricity. Developing countries are also largely close to the tropics where there is an abundance of sun.
it can be used for daily requirement for domestic and agriculture purpose.
shortage of water
Yes, a lightning bolt can provide electricity because a lightning bolt is electricity.
There are many such houses in the coastal villages in Dhofar and on down towards Aden. I have been in some villages that appear as they did in Biblical days, no running water, no electricity, no glass in windows.