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The same way anybody can break any law: illegally.

If you're alleging that this has occurred and you want to know why it was allowed in a particular instance that you consider to be a violation, you'll have to be more specific.

However, there are two basic ways the federal government could justify actions that some people might consider a violation of the tenth amendment.

One would be by passing another amendment granting itself the specific powers it wants. Doing so automatically squares such actions with the tenth amendment, as they then become "granted to it by [an amendment to] the Constitution." A good example of this would be prohibition... nothing in the constitution expressly allowed the Federal government to prohibit alcohol entirely (the "interstate commerce" clause gave it the power to prohibit transporting alcohol from one state to another, but not to do so within a single state) until the 18th amendment was passed, at which point it explicitly was granted that power.

The other would be to argue that the actions in question are in fact implicit within the scope granted to it by the constitution. For example, the power to "regulate interstate commerce" has occasionally been interpreted as the power to intervene in local affairs which have an impact on interstate commerce.

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Q: How can the government violate or break the Amendment X to the US Constitution?
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