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Tsunami - cannot be seen, but by monitoring buoys in the sea, one may have up to an hour prior warning. The retreat of the local sea should never be ignored!

Earthquake - Seismographs monitor the earth's movement and may 'sense' fore shocks. But the initial shock will most often be the main shock - or at least a destructive one.

Volcano -Small tremors prior to volcanic activity and cracks near by in the earths surface. Along with certain gases being released into the air - especially into deep water wells.

Volcanoes are much more difficult to predict an impending eruption. The tilting of the volcano, plus an increase in local earthquake activity, and a change in the local earth's magnetic field may all be indicators.

The Mt St Helen's eruption was well signaled, and the region cleared of all who wanted to move.

For all of these, animal behavior can also be monitored. Dogs barking, snakes burying themselves, rats fleeing etc. may be indicators, but are far from reliable.


follow instructions given.

Earthquake- "Drop - Cover - and Hold' is the modern mantra. Especially do not go outside the building, for falling masonry or glass are real hazards.

Tsunami- FLEE. run as far away as possible and get to high ground. They destroy e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g in their path and so getting out of it's way is the only way to live. Take Japan for example. those who didn't move are dead or badly injured.


Earthquake - have buildings built with shock absorbers or have them otherwise earthquake resistant.

Tsunami- leave. there is no way to sense if one if going to happen. Maybe build your house on high ground to demolish any risk of getting hit. Earthquake zones (countries close to plate boundaries) should do this, along with being as far away from the sea as possible

Modern thinking (USGS) is that a significant Tsunami is unlikely if the earthquake magnitude is below 7.5.

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Q: How can people prepare and protect themselves from an eruption?
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How did the people of mesopotamia maintain order to protect themselves from outsiders?

To protect the people from Mesopotamia, the people used the code of Hamurabi.

How did people protect themselves during the great depression?

they used a condom

How many people were injured in the 1944 vesuvius eruption?

It is estimated that 26 people were killed in the 1944 Vesuvius eruption. However, it is not clear how many people were injured.

Can callipillers can kill people?

well some of them have poisonous barbs of there back to protect themselves from other animals. but if you were to sting you chances are you wouldn't die.

How many people diyed in pompeii eruption?

We don't know the number of people who died in the eruption that destroyed Pompeii. The reason for this is that we don't know how many people lived there in he first place.We don't know the number of people who died in the eruption that destroyed Pompeii. The reason for this is that we don't know how many people lived there in he first place.We don't know the number of people who died in the eruption that destroyed Pompeii. The reason for this is that we don't know how many people lived there in he first place.We don't know the number of people who died in the eruption that destroyed Pompeii. The reason for this is that we don't know how many people lived there in he first place.We don't know the number of people who died in the eruption that destroyed Pompeii. The reason for this is that we don't know how many people lived there in he first place.We don't know the number of people who died in the eruption that destroyed Pompeii. The reason for this is that we don't know how many people lived there in he first place.We don't know the number of people who died in the eruption that destroyed Pompeii. The reason for this is that we don't know how many people lived there in he first place.We don't know the number of people who died in the eruption that destroyed Pompeii. The reason for this is that we don't know how many people lived there in he first place.We don't know the number of people who died in the eruption that destroyed Pompeii. The reason for this is that we don't know how many people lived there in he first place.

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