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Honoring Hospitalized VeteransYou can pay them a visit and tell them we haven't forgotten them. You can thank them for protecting the U.S.A.!

I agree, pay them a visit. Remember that the VA Hospital is there year around, one does not just have to visit on Veterans Day. The Vets in the hospitals might like the paperback books you have read. Some of these Vets do not have any family who care.

I agree with the above answers and would like to add one of my own. Talk to them. Better yet, listen to them. You will be amazed at how much you will learn. Many of their stories will make you laugh, some will make you cry. The most important thing, though, is that they will know they are not forgotten, that their service means something. If you love your country, thank a veteran.

I also agree, veterans need company in the hospital. As long as they are around you should tell them how thankful you are, they would really appreciate it.

You know what's funny, i ALSO agree!!!You should pay them a visit and/or give tham flowers.listen to their stories and how they surrvived.Thank then for helping us be free!

Generally, war veterans love nothing more than talking about the war. Remember that it was their war. Ask them specific questions about the regions where they were stationed during the battles or in between the fighting. You may do it on a return visit after researching which questions might be most interesting for the former soldiers. Usually, their relatives are tired of hearing the stories over and over again. Therefor, imagen how happy a veteran will be to find some new attentive ears.

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14y ago

Veteran's Day is a day where people take off work and school around the nation to celebrate and honor those who have died for us and for the people who currently serve in the military. We have a moment of silence, pray, spend time with family, picnic, go to parades, and shoot off fireworks on this special day.

Speaking as a Vietnam Veteran, Veteran's Day to me means a moment to stop and think of all the WWII Veterans. To me, the WWII veterans are the ones that deserve our respect and admiration for all the sacrifices they made to free our world of a madman. After I have paid my respects to their service, then I visit the Vietnam memorials throughout the area I live in and pay respects to those that gave their lives in that war.

Veteran's Day for me is a day for thinking about those who have served and with whom I have served. We honor those veterans who have died on Memorial Day.

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11y ago

One way you can help is by donating money, food, clothing, etc.

Another way is by sending them cards that say we appreciate everything they have done for us. One other way is by recognizing them when we see the United State's flag. Another way is by starting a fundraiser and then donating the money to them.

Hope this helps!

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15y ago

People can make money contributions to organizations helping hospitalized veterans, such as the DAV (Disabled American Veterans), volunteering their own time assisting in Veteran's Hospitals, such as transporting veterans to and from hospitals, working in the hospital library, etc.

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13y ago

People can help veterans by thanking them and help make there burial grounds more nice.

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send them food

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