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Because, B.C means "Before Christ" so it's going back in time. The Smaller the number for B.C is, the closer it is to today. The Bigger, the Farther.

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Q: How can Tutankhamen have been born in 1341 BC and die in 1323 BC?
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When was Tutankhamen?

born 1341 BC - died 1323 BC

When was Tutankhamen born?

born 1341 BC - died 1323 BC

When did King Tutankhamun die?

King Tutankhamen was born in 1341 B.C. He died In 1323.

What date was tutankhamun born on?

Tut was believed to have lived from about 1341 BC to 1323 BC

How do you use B.c.e in a sentence?

King Tut was born in 1341 B.C.E. and died in 1323 B.C.E.

How old would Tutankhamun be if he was still alive?

The Boy King would have been 3,350 years old in 2009.Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun (aka Tutankhamen, born Tutankhaten) lived from about 1341 to 1323 BC. He died around the age of 18, hence his nickname The Boy King.

Which years did Tutankhamun live in between?

Born in 1341 BC Died in 1323 BC (aged 18)

What date was tutankhamun born?

Wikipedia cites Tutankamun as living from approx. 1341 BC to 1323 BC

Was King Tutankhamen a Muslim?

No. It would not be possible. Tutankhamen was born in 1341 BC and died in 1323 BC. Islam did not rise until roughly 610 AD.

When was Tutankhamun was born?

Tutankhamun was born in 1341 BC and died in 1323; just 18 years of age.

What day month and year was Tutankhamen born?

Tutankhamun was the 12th Pharaoh of the 18th Egyptian dynasty. Archaeologists have estimated his birthday to be around 1341 BC.

When did the king of egypt die?

King Tutankhamen was born in 1341 B.C. He died In 1323. The latest report is that he died of gangrene in a badly broken leg.