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The groups the people from the Stone Age traveled in varied from 20 to 30 people.

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Q: How big were the old stone age groups and why?
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How did archaeologist identify different cultures or groups of people in the old stone age?

the archeologist identify the people of the old stone age by there paintings,clothings and different types of houses

Did the old stone have small or large communities?

In the Stone Age, the Earth's population was supported by small groups called Hunter-Gatherers.

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How long does the old stone age lasted?

The old stone age lasted at least 4 million years. It existed among the earliest human type skeletons found so far. The middle stone age began about 50,000 years among Homo Sapiens but never appeared among Neanderthals. (The old stone age and middle stone age existed side by side within the same groups for a while.)

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Hunting and Gathering is old stone age.

Are two parts of the Stone Age the Old Stone Age and the Prehistoric Stone Age?

All of the Stone Age was prehistoric. When it is divided into two parts they are the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic) and the new Stone Age (Neolithic).

Did old stone age people live in groups?

Yes! Hunting and gathering were more successful as group efforts.

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old stone age

Is farming from the old stone age or the new stone age?

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