

Best Answer

There is only one size. As shown on Height: 9.56 inches (242.8 mm) Width: 7.47 inches (189.7 mm) Depth: 0.5 inch (13.4 mm)

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Q: How big is the biggest iPad?
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How many GB does the biggest iPad have?

The biggest is 64 GB.

Which iPad is the biggest?

The iPad is a tablet. Some other tablets are smaller, some others are bigger.

Is the iPad better than a big ipod touch?

Well, the only difference between an ipad and a big ipod touch is that an ipad is slim and is bigger

How has the iPad 4 improved over the iPad 3?

There were a couple of major improvements from the iPad 3 to the iPad 4. The biggest was the improved performance of the FaceTime camera. Additionally, the iPad 4 retina display and speed were marked improvements.

Is there a big difference between ipad2 and the new iPad?

It's not a very big difference but an iPad 3 is way better.

What do they call that big iPhone?

Do you mean iPad? iPad are bigger than iphones.

What is the biggest iPad?

i want an ipad cause you can get more games on it than you can an iphone or ipod. It also feels more comfortable when typeing

How big is the iPad three?

Exactly the same as the iPad 2, except 3mm thicker.

Is biggest a noun?

No, "biggest" is not a noun. It is the superlative form of the adjective "big."

Is the iPad cool?

the ipad is awesome and it is nothing like a big ipod touch. it has loads of apps you can only get on the ipad. watch apple ipad a guided tour on youtube.

Is the iPad a big i pod touch?

yes it is

Which is the biggest big cat?

A Siberian Tiger is the biggest big cat