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If two people have grandparents who were siblings, then their parents are first cousins and they are second cousins.
People whose grandparents are siblings are second cousins.

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Two people whose grandmothers were sisters are second cousins to each other.

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Q: How are two people related if their grandparents were siblings?
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How are two people related if their great grandparents were siblings?

Two people whose great grandparents were siblings are third cousins to each other. The children of siblings are first cousins. The grandchildren of siblings are second cousins to each other. The great grand children of siblings are third cousins to each other.

How are two people related whose grandparents are second cousins?

If two people have grandparents who are second cousins, it means that their great-grandparents are siblings or cousins. Therefore, the two people are third cousins to each other.

What relationship shared great grandparents?

Two people who have the same great grandparents but have no closer relationship are second cousins. Their parents are first cousins and their grandparents are siblings.

When two persons have the same great great great grandparents how are they related?

Two people who share the same great great grandparents are third cousins. To find a cousin relationship, find the common ancestor. If common ancestor is grandparents, they are 1st cousins. If common ancestor is great-grandparents, they are 2nd cousins. If common ancestor is great-great-grandparents, they are 3rd cousins.

What is your grandpa to your cousin?

You are the grandchild of your grandfather. If that grandfather had children other than your parent, and that child had a child - that person is your first cousin and also a grandchild of your grandfather. Your first cousins are, by definition, all those who are not your siblings but are also grandchildren of one of your grandparents. Remember that you have two sets of grandparents. Those first cousins who are related to you through one pair of grandparents are not related to your other grandparents at all.

What do you call grandparents that aren't related?

Every one of your first cousins will have at least one and usually two grandparents who are not related to you. The English language does not have a term for this non-relationship. You can call them "my cousin's grandparents" if you need to refer to them.

What is kovu's relationship with nuka?

The two are related, siblings to be specific.

How are two people related if you have a great grandparents who are sisters?

Children of sisters are first cousins. Grandchildren of sisters are second cousins. Great grandshildren of sisters are third cousins.

When two persons have great grandparents who were brother and sister how are they related?

They would be 3rd cousins.

What do you call the siblings of an aunt by marriage?

The English language has no specific term for two unrelated people who have the same aunt. Two unrelated people, A and B, can have the same aunt if the brother of A's parent is married to the sister of B's parent. The couple are aunt and uncle to both A and B, but A and B are not related to each other.

Are nieces of sisters related?

Some nieces of sisters are related to each other and some are not. Your niece is the daughter of your brother or sister (your siblings). If you have more than two siblings and at least two of them have daughters, those daughters are your nieces and they are first cousins to each other. You can also have a niece who is the daughter of a sibling of your spouse. If two sisters have nieces who are daughters of their spouse's siblings, those nieces are not related to each other (unless the spouses are related to each other, as when two brothers marry two sisters)

Are you related to your second cousin's cousin?

You may be related to your second cousin's cousin, or you may not. It depends on the specifics of how the two cousins are related.You are related to your second cousin through one couple who are both your great grandparents and your second cousin's great grandparents. All of that couple's great grandchildren are your second cousins, your first cousins or your siblings.But, unless there are cousin marriages in your recent ancestry, you and your second cousin, and most other people, have four couples who are your great grandparents. Your second cousin has three other sets of great grandparents who are notrelated to you. Any of their great grandchildren are your second cousin's second cousins or first cousins - and they are not related to you at all.