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see National Government State Governments

  • Print money
  • Regulate interstate (between states) and international trade
  • Make treaties and conduct foreign policy
  • Declare war
  • Provide an army and navy
  • Establish post offices
  • Make laws necessary and proper to carry out the these powers
  • Issue licenses
  • Regulate intrastate (within the state) businesses
  • Conduct elections
  • Establish local governments
  • Ratify amendments to the Constitution
  • Take measures for public health and safety
  • May exert powers the Constitution does not delegate to the national government or prohibit the states from using

In addition to their exclusive powers, both the national government and state governments share powers. Shared powers between the national government and state governments are called concurrent powers. Current powers of the national government and state governments include the ability to:

  • Collect taxes
  • Build roads
  • Borrow money
  • Establish courts
  • Make and enforce laws
  • Charter banks and corporations
  • Spend money for the general welfare
  • Take private property for public purposes, with just compensation
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15y ago

A state is a physical entity. It is a piece of real estate. It is a group of people. It is a set of institutions. It began years ago and will continue into the future. The government provides laws and order to that piece of real estate and its contents. It will change more often than the area where it has authority. Most of its changes are minor. Few of its changes have long term significance. Eisenhower's road system has such significance for the United States. Harry Truman's reversal of segregation in certain areas has such significance. Both belong on Mt. Rushmore for their long term changes. Still, the government is temporally in power. The state continues.

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Q: How are the state and national governments different?
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i have no clue at all thank you very much.

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is it false that state and national governments establish courts

What are the national governments obligations to the state's?

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What are the national governments obligations to the states?

The national government is obligated to support the state governments in case of an emergency in that state. The national government also should no infringe on state powers.It divides power between a National Government and State governments. The obligation of the National Government to protect the States against invasion.

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The National Grange lobbied state governments to regulate railroad rates.

What are the states obligations to the states governments?

The national government is obligated to support the state governments in case of an emergency in that state. The national government also should no infringe on state powers.It divides power between a National Government and State governments. The obligation of the National Government to protect the States against invasion.

What divides the national and state governments?

the parlements

Is the power to establish courts shared by the national and state governments?

I believed they are shared between state and local governments

Which level of government may tax the company?

local, state, and national governments

What are the National government's obligation to the states?

The national government is obligated to support the state governments in case of an emergency in that state. The national government also should no infringe on state powers.It divides power between a National Government and State governments. The obligation of the National Government to protect the States against invasion.

What is the system if government in which national and state governments share power?

Like in the USA these governments are republics.

The principle of cooperative federalism means that the state governments work with to develop national policies.?

state governments