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By the War Powers Resolution.

The President's war making power is limited by the Constitutional provision that only Congress has the power to declare war even though the President is the commander in chief of the armed forces.

The War Powers Act actually increases rather than limits the President's power in military matters by allowing him to deploy troops in combat for a only for a limited period of time without a declaration of war by Congress.

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Q: How are the president's war making powers limited?
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What limited the Presidents war making powers?

The Congress

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Does the president of the US have the power to declare war?

No, not according to the Constitution. In 1973, Congress passed the War Powers Resolution in response to repeated violations by presidents. The War Powers Resolution allows the President to send a limited amount of troops to a conflict for a limited time.

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Probably all of them.

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The War Powers Resolution of 1973 was prompted by presidents sending troops without a formal declaration of war by Congress. Presidents had violated Congress' power over 100 times.

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Declaring war is not one of the president's powers. Congress is the only one to have the power to declare war.

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Did congress pass to stop the growth of the imperial presidency and restrict the president war making powers?

War Powers Act