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Guests are seated at long tables, and sit side by side with one person at each end, always the Queen and the King.

They used to eat soup and a lot of chicken!! :)

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Q: How are guest seated at the restaurant Medieval Times?
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Whichever person is the guest should order first.

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Yes, it is the reason for the restaurant's existence.

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Total takings/number of guest = mean average

When it comes to royalty Who gets to sit at the right hand and why?

Using Queen Elizabeth II as an example, Her Majesty is seated at the head of the table , and the guest of honor is seated at her right hand.This is done to bestow the honor of being the most important guest and to facilitate conversation.

Who decides what guest eat at a restaurant?

they should order for themselves

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opening doors for guest helping/assisting guest in parking their cars opening doors for guest greeting guest in proper time of the day