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They recite words to the rhythm and represent their culture. They also combine flawed stories and familiar expressions with improvisation.

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Q: How are epic poets and rappers similar?
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The epic poets of Greece probably?

apex : recited their epic poems in a strong rhythm.

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Calliope was the muse of epic poetry in Greek mythology. She was also considered the muse of eloquence and often invoked by writers and poets for inspiration in creating grand works.

Top ten poets of all time?

Epic: Homer.Dante, Milton. Authors of the Mahbaharat, the Bible.In a class of his own: Shakespeare.Metaphysical: DonnePope.Coleridge, WordsworthShelley

What does the greek term calliope mean?

Calliope was the muse of epic poetry in Greek mythology. She was considered the muse of eloquence and epic poetry, inspiring writers and poets to create grand pieces of literature.

Who were bards or scops?

Bards or scops were poets and storytellers in medieval Europe who composed and recited epic poems and songs to entertain and educate people. They played a vital role in preserving and sharing the history and traditions of their communities through their oral performances.

What is the Jewish epic poem?

Jews do not have an epic poem. You may be thinking of the Greeks, Hindus, or Medieval Christians and Medieval Muslims, all of whom had epic poems (Iliad, Mahabharata, Song of Roland, Shahname, respectively). However, Jews have numerous poems and poets throughout history, like Ibn Gabirol and Yehuda Ha-Levi.

Who was the famous blind poets?

Homer and John Milton are two of the most famous blind poets in history. Homer is known for writing epic poems like the Iliad and the Odyssey, while John Milton is known for his work Paradise Lost.

How do you spell odaskey?

The only similar word is "odyssey" (a journey) from Homer's epic The Odyssey.

What epic stories are similar to Beowulf?

Some epic stories similar to Beowulf include "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey" by Homer, "Gilgamesh," and "The Song of Roland." These stories all feature heroic adventures, battles with supernatural beings, and themes of honor, loyalty, and valor.

Who created epic poems?

Beowulf is a heroic epic poem, it is a true legend as it is the only poem that people have the original writings which is now in museums , i ain't 2 sure bout the original writing bit, i must say... :) x