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Civil rights still have a long way to go. There are similarities and points of agreements, however civil rights will remain a hot topic for many years to come.

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Q: How are civil rights now (2015)?
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What is the Lorraine motel now in Memphis now named?

National Civil Rights Museum.

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It was good but now is dead.

What were Lyndon B. Johnson's thoughts on the Civil Rights movement and other political situations?

Regarding Civil Rights for all US Citizens he felt that the time had come for if not now, then when.

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There were the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968, but I don't think there was a Civil Rights Act of 1969.

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With decency and control. Not much rights as they have now though

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No one has ended civil rights.

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Civil rights did not end.

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The Man's Civil rights were ignored.

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To give publicity to the struggle for civil rights.

Native American civil rights movement?

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