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I'd say this is a joke question but I'll try to answer it properly in case it was not. When a man and woman have unprotected sex, his sperm enter the woman and swim through her uterus and into one of two tubes called Fallopian tubes. If it's the right time in the woman's cycle, that is, an egg has recently been released from one of her ovaries into the fallopian tube, the sperm will fertilise the egg. The egg and sperm each contain half of the DNA needed to form a new life. When they fuse, the genetic material of the baby is created. The baby's single cell begins to divide and by the time it reaches the end of the fallopian tube consists of several thousand cells. It leaves the fallopian tube and enters the uterus. It implants in the lining of the uterus and begins to grow. If nothing goes wrong, after about three weeks the embryo's heart begins to beat. At seven weeks it has a recognisably human face, and by eight weeks it is called a fetus. After twenty-four weeks or six months gestation, a baby born early can sometimes be saved. After seven months, chances of saving the baby if it is born now are quite good. Forty weeks or nine months is the normal gestation period and the baby should be born soon afterwards.

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