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how are Stonehenge native American medicine wheels similer

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Q: How are Stonehenge Native American medicine wheels similer?
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How did the native Americans build the Stonehenge?

Oh dear ! Methinx someone is having a little dig at our US cousins ! Native Americans & Stonehenge have no connection.

Which of these plants was used in traditional Native American medicine?

Echinacea was used in traditional Native American medicine for its immune-boosting properties.

Which was not an aspect of Native American religious beliefs?

Shamans are not Native American. Shamans are from Siberia. Native Americans have medicine men and women. Their title is medicine man or medicine women in the tribes language.

What is Native American medicine used for?

Native American medicine can benefit anyone who sincerely wishes to live a life of wholeness and balance. These benefits may be physical, emotional, or spiritual.

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What research has been done on Native American medicine?

There has been no formal scientific research conducted on Native American healing practices. Medicine people do not write down their practices out of fear that they might be misused by people who are not trained in their sacred ways.

How is diagnosis done in Native American medicine?

Native American healers have several different techniques for diagnosing an illness. These may include a discussion of one's symptoms, personal and family history

What is the native American word for doctor?

Western Apache: izee' nant'án (literally means: medicine king)

How does Native American medicine improve health?

Traditional Native American medicine works in two ways. First, the medicines are found in nature, not made in chemistry labs, thus they have few, if any, side effects. Secondly, the healing involves a deep belief and trust in the Creator.

What part of the pumpkin did Native American boil to make medicine?

Native Americans used pumpkins in several different ways: when they cleaned the seeds out they used them for medicine .They will boil them and make them kind of a tea that they drank for different sicknesses .

What are the main leaders of the Shasta Indian tribe?

Most Native American tribes were guided by their elders, chiefs, and medicine men.

Can someone be Native American and a Native American?

If they are born a Native American they can be, but if not,no.