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Q: How and why the british colonies and their governments develop!?
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What political influences shaped the governments of British colonies?

it was the same as the BritishObviously the the governments of many former British colonies are base on the British system of government and law. That and in some instances influences that came from the original culture and religion.

What was one way that colonies governments differed from the British government?

Colonists' rights were defined by formal documents. British rights were defined by laws and tradition.

How did the developement of colonial governments lead to the American revolution?

People in the colonies no longer wanted to be ruled by the British Parliament.

How did the development of colonial governments lead to the American Revolution?

People in the colonies no longer wanted to be ruled by the British Parliament.

How were US colonial governments organized?

Before the Revolutionary War and the enactment of the Constitution, the colonies' governments were varied. Most, however, operated by charters issued by the British crown.

How did representative government develop in the British colonies?

Virginia had the House of Burgesses and Massachusetts had the Mayflower Compact.

Explain whether you think the British government acted wisely in its dealings with the colonies 1765 and 1775?

Did the british governments overreact to the colonal protesis .by issuing the intolerable

Did Great Britain rule the colonists in the 1700'S?

=Great Britain almost entirely ruled the colonies in the 1700s.=

What does the committees of correspondence do?

The committees of correspondence were shadow governments organized by the Patriot leaders of the Thirteen Colonies on the eve of the American Revolution. These served an important role in the Revolution, by disseminating the colonial interpretation of British actions between the colonies and to foreign governments

What did all governments of the colonies share?

Thought each colony's government differed slightly all the governments shared an important inheritance from the British system of the government: an elected legislature .

What statement best describes the governments of the different colonies before the American Revolution?

The governments of the thirteen colonies were very independent of each other before the American Revolution. There was not a great deal of unity between the colonies. During the American Revolution, the colonies had to work together in order to defeat the British. The statement is 'They were very independent of each other.'

How did the Parliament serve as a model for colonial governments in the colonies and for congress later?

Parliament was a British legislation Colonial gov't is an example of Congress