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Immigrants usually came from places where they had been persecuted, or where life was much harder, and they appreciated the chance to educate themselves in America. It was important because they understood how a good education would help them to advance themselves and get better jobs and become smarter people.

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Q: How and why might education be important to new immigrants in America?
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Why is education crucial for immigrants entering American society?

because they are from somewhere else and it might be hard for them to speak english and they might have learned something totally different

Why might it be said that the United States is a nation of immigrants?

It might be said that the United States is a nation of immigrants because for 400-years people from all over the world have come to America looking to start a new life. They came for many different reasons including escaping war-torn countries, freedom of religion, to escape poverty, and others just for a change of scenery.

What might ellis island receive the populations as an island of tears?

Ellis island receives the populations as an island of tears because it is where 12 million immigrants made their first stop to America.

How did communism abroad affect immigrants in the US?

The irrational fear of communism caused many in the United States to be suspicious of immigrants. Their paranoia was helped by officials, such as the United States Attorney General Michael Palmer, who said a communist revolution would come to America unless foreign born agitators were removed from the country. A bombing on Wall Street by anarchists was blamed on immigrants, prompting denial of the basic rights of many. Thousands of immigrants were deported based on a suspicion they might be communists.

What might account for the fact that there were so few immigrants from Africa during 1870?

Recent slavery and discrimination might have made the United States unattractive to them.

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Why is education crucial for immigrants entering American society?

because they are from somewhere else and it might be hard for them to speak english and they might have learned something totally different

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What would America be like if college education were free?

Better. Although you might have to pay more tax

Why might it be said that the United States is a nation of immigrants?

It might be said that the United States is a nation of immigrants because for 400-years people from all over the world have come to America looking to start a new life. They came for many different reasons including escaping war-torn countries, freedom of religion, to escape poverty, and others just for a change of scenery.

How did Europe change America?

Nearly all of America's early immigrants were from European countries and the best practices of their old world were adopted for use in the new world. We see those influences today in farming, building, cooking, education, law, fashion and so on. Our political government and Supreme Court looks to Europe for continued influence today in areas where European socialism might be applied in the USA.

Is it good by keeping immigrants out of a country?

No because immigrants can bring many different beliefs and knowledge that you might not know and these immigrants can teach. Therefore, it is a good thing to allow immigrants into a country.

What might ellis island receive the populations as an island of tears?

Ellis island receives the populations as an island of tears because it is where 12 million immigrants made their first stop to America.

What might be a problem for immigrants?

Problems for immigrants have historically included: * learning a new language * adjusting to a different culture * making a living

How did immigrants cope after arriving in America?

Many immigrants created tightly knit communities after arriving in America where they could practice their traditions, religion, and speak their own language. Sometimes these communities, especially when oppressed by police or societal prejudice, would create their own systems of governance and policing. Rarely, these systems might eventually turn into crime organizations after they became less necessary for protecting the community.

What is another word for illegal aliens?

Undocumented immigrants or unauthorized immigrants.

How did communism abroad affect immigrants in the US?

The irrational fear of communism caused many in the United States to be suspicious of immigrants. Their paranoia was helped by officials, such as the United States Attorney General Michael Palmer, who said a communist revolution would come to America unless foreign born agitators were removed from the country. A bombing on Wall Street by anarchists was blamed on immigrants, prompting denial of the basic rights of many. Thousands of immigrants were deported based on a suspicion they might be communists.

Why are blue jeans an important contribution to America?

because when i might be cold most people need them so they want get cold?