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Q: How Philip 11 and Demosthenes are linked in the history of classical Greece?
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Why did the athenian orater Demosthenes warn his fellow citizens about Philip 2nd?

Demosthenes believe that Philip ll was a threat to Athenian Hegemony over the rest of Greece.

Why did Athenian orator Demosthenes warn his fellow citizens about Philip ll?

He gauged Philip's ambition to control Greece.

What evidence did Demosthenes's ofer that Philip was a threat to Greece?

Demosthenes argued that Philip of Macedon was a threat to Greece by pointing to his military conquests, his expansionist ambitions, and his aggressive actions against Greek city-states. He warned that Philip's growing power and influence posed a danger to Greek freedom and autonomy.

Who tried to warn the Greeks that Philip was a threat to their independence?


What Greek leader united the Greek states?

Alexander the great of King Philip 2 of Macedonia. In Classical Greece.

What person thought that king Philip 2 was a threat to Greece?

The Greek city-states, led by Thebes and Athens.

Who tried to warn about the Athenians about the threat posed by Philip II?

An athenian orator named Demosthenes warned Athens and Greece about Philip through a series of orations known as the "Philippics"

What did Demosthenes do?

Demosthenes led the Athenian opposition straight to Philip. Hope this helps!

How did Demosthenes change the world?

Demosthenes warned the Greek states of Philip II of Macedonia's plans to conquer them. Philip died before he could achieve the unification of Greece, so his son Alexander the Great took control and achieved more than his father had originally planned. Demosthenes' warnings were ignored, so he didn't have too much of an effect.

What was Demosthenes?

Demosthenes was an ancient Greek statesman and orator known for his powerful speeches and political influence in Athens. He was a key figure in resisting the rise of Macedon under Philip II and his son Alexander the Great. Demosthenes is considered one of the greatest orators in history.

What evidence does Demosthenes's offer that Philip is a threat?

Philip killed their firstborn.

Who thought that phillip 2 was dangerous to greece what did he try to get the athenians to do?

Demosthenes, an Athenian statesman, considered Philip II of Macedonia as a threat to Greece. He tried to convince the Athenians to unite with other Greek city-states and stop Philip from expanding his power and influence in the region.