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Q: How Many forts did the French win in the British territory?
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How many forts in the battle of Quebec did the french win?

We do not like to think of the French winning anything in that battle many but there were French Canadians fighting against the British and Canada in the Battle. But even if one considers them French neither they or the American's managed to win any forts and were driven back. 1775 was not a great year for their revolution but it did set the stage for future victories.

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because they had many french and indian wars to fight and battle for

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Why did the French use forts?

They used forts for the same reason that many other peoples did, protection. It is much better than to be out in the open.

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The Iroquois Indians helped the French capture many British forts during the war. They also helped ambush British forces. The British may have had help from Indians also, but I'm not sure.

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Native American tribes in Ohio had a very successful fur trade going on with France. France wanted the land so that they could control the fur trade, and the British (who were allied with the colonists) wanted the land to expand American territory, resulting in a war that the British and colonists ultimately won.

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there was 16 forts.

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7 forts

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Canadian territory is separated into provinces that is broken down into smaller territories. They still hold strong British influences as many of their provinces were british owned.

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