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Q: How Imperial Power looked in the Philippines?
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Which imperial power colonized the Philippines and Hawaii?

The United States

Was the US being communist when annexing the Philippines?

Many would say the US was acting as an imperial power when it annexed the Philippines, not that it was being communist.

How did the Treaty of Paris make the US an imperial power?

It gave the U.S. the islands of Guam and the Philippines in the Pacific, and Puerto Rico in the Caribbean.

How much dollar the spaniards sale the philippines?

The United States paid Spain $20 million dollars for the Philippines. With its victory and subsequent annexation of the Philippines, Hawaii, Guam, and Puerto Rico, the United States stood poised to enter the 20th century as an imperial power.

Who was the imperial power in south Asia?

Well Japan was a imperial power and was probable the most powerful. great Britain was also an imperial power in the area.

What European country was the 2nd largest imperial power?

France was the second largest imperial power, after the United Kingdom.

Why did America want to become an imperial power?

America wanted to become an imperial power because they were mad at the King.

Who was in power during the Spanish Period in the Philippines?

Philip II was in power during the Spanish Period in the Philippines. (that's why Philippines)

Does the Philippines have power to call from Chicago to the Philippines?


How did the meiji restoration affect japan-?

The Meiji restoration turned Japan in to a modernized imperial power.

What kind of education does the philippines have?

i looked it up and its totaly teribele suckish education

The policy whereby and imperial power tries to absorb colonies politically and cultureally into the parent nation?

Assimilation is the word for the policy of an imperial power that attempts to absorb colonies culturally and politically. The former British Empire is an example of an imperial power.