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Q: How Did Oliver Cromwell Make Society More Democratic?
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What did Oliver Cromwell do to make him famous?

Get 47 killstreak on call of duty modern warfare three

When did oliver cromwell make his ironsides?

Ironsides refers to the armour he wore during the civil war

What helpful things did Oliver Cromwell do?

nothing really he band sport music make up even Christmas

How many things did Oliver Cromwell band?

He banned Christmas, pubs, parks, make up, music and swearing.

What did oliver cromwell do to Christmas in 1652?

While many people believe Oliver Cromwell tried to ban Christmas in 1652, that is not entirely accurate. He tried to make it more difficult for people of Christian faith to celebrate in the same way as they did before he came to power.

What laws did Oliver Cromwell introduce?

No makeup, no theatre, no sports, no gambling, no pubs, no Christmas, no Sunday walks, no games, no colourful dresses.

How did oliver cromwell make England safe?

won the military and safed us

What country was he in control of?

Oliver Cromwell was in control of England as 'Lord Protecter Cromwell', he got his name because the members of the parliment decided that he would be best because he listens to people, helps them out and trys to make a difference for everyone!!

Who has the authority to make the rules that are needed in a society?

In a democratic society, it is the duly elected government of the people.

What was England like under oliver cromwell's commonwealth?

Quite miserable really. Cromwell banned beer, inns, theatres, Christmas, sport and make-up. He basically banned everything that was fun. If people disobeyed these rules, they could be fined, put in the stocks or put in prison!

Who was Oliver Cromwell and why he was important in English history?

Oliver Cromwell (1599 - 1658) was an English soldier and statesman who helped make England a republic and then ruled as lord protector from 1653 to 1658. He executed King James I. His son Richard was named as his successor and was lord protector of England for 8 months. However, he was not a charismatic leader like his father and he could not reconcile the various political, military and religious factions of his day and soon lost the support of the army on which his power depended. Parliament therefore asked King James' son to return to England as the monarch.

Why did Oliver Cromwell ban make up?

Because he was a fundamentalist Christian. Such people exist today, they think their interpretation of the bible is the only one that is correct. They are too foolish to realise that there are many interpretations possible and all of them are wrong.