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There were many Alexanders before him and even more after him. Alexander III of Macedon was called the Great in ancient times because he was the big one, the conqueror and empire builder and founder of cities, the emblem of an age - and incidentally, his portrait became the model for the earliest images of Christ.

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9y ago

In ancient times, Alexander the great became famous for the vast military conquests which he achieved in such a short time and at such a young age. Upon rising to the Macedonian/Greek throne in 336 B.C.E., he embarked at age 20 on a series of conquests that led to Macedonian rule over the main centers of civilization throughout the Middle East, the Near East, and North Africa, among other portions of the Mediterranean Basin.

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10y ago

Conquering lands as far as Asia-Minor.

Not so much a "hero" in the typical sense, but a determined, informed, educated leader with in-depth military strategy instilled unto him since infancy.

A natural war-winner. A War Horse, if you will.

He toppled the Persian Empire which elevated him in the eyes of the Greeks, and later the Romans. Many of the people in the Persian Empire didn't see it that way after the horrendous carnage of his conquest.
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Alexander III, became king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia when his father Philip II was assassinated in 336 BC.

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he was one of the best warriors and was unbeaten in battle

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11y ago

Alexander became king when his father was assassinated.

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When did Alexander the Great became a king?

Alexander the Great became a King of Macedonia at age of 20 when his father was assassinated in 336 AD.

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Alexander III became King

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he became king at the age of 20, and died at the age of 33.

How old was Alexander the great when he be came king?

he was 20 years old when he became a king

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He became king and commander when he was 20.

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Alexander III - the Great later, was the successor of Philip II King of Macedons therefore he was their King

When did Alexander become a great king?

Alexander was born in 356 BC and became King of Macedonia in 336 BC when his father Philip was killed.He was a great commander. Whether or not he was actually a great king is open to question.

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Alexander the Great took up the throne of the Greek kingdom of Macedonia because he was King Philip's II son.

When did Alexander the great come to power?

alexander the great became king when his father died in 336 B.C.E

What was Alexander the Great known for?

Alexander the Great, also known as Alexander III of Macedon, became king after the death of his father, King Philip II. One thing Alexander the Great was known for was his conquering most of the known world of his time.

How old was Alexander when he became king of Macedonia?

Alexander the Great became king when his father, Philippo II King of Macedonia, was killed by his guard's captain, a man called Pausanias. Alexander was 18 when it happened.