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catholic church

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Q: Henry VIII changed England's official religion several times between 1534 and 1558 and ultimately severed ties with?
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How many years between Jesus death and the date on which Christianity became the official Roman religion?

Christianity became the official Roman religion in 380 AD. We don't know the exact date of the death of Jesus, so using the commonly used date of 33 AD for his death, it would be 347 years between Jesus" death and the making of Christianity the official religion.

Which religion did England follow when Elizabeth 1 became Queen?

Elizabeth I established as the official religion a Protestant church that became the Church of England. ANGLICAN CATHOLIC ANSWER Apart from the Republican experiment between 1642 and 1660, The Religion of England has always been Catholic! Not Roman Catholicism, which is derived from Trent, but the old teaching of the first thousand years derived from Revelation, Scripture and the Councils. All Henry did was to introduce a new note of Nationalism in to the equasion. What Eliza did was throw off her sister, Queen Mary's attempt to inflict the teachings of the Council of Trent on to the English Church! At no time did the Anglican Church become protestant, indeed, in 1640 it resisted an attempt by a packed protestant parliament to inflict Calvinism on to the English Church!

Why did a Roman Emperor make Christianity the official religion of Rome?

AnswerImperial support for Christianity and opposition to paganism were already underway from the time of Constantine, and there was arguably no definitive year in which Christianity became the official religion of empire. Paganism had to survive nearly a century of persecution before Emperor Theodosius (379-395) finally outlawed worship at pagan temples in 391 CE and forbade gatherings of another recent religion, Manichaeanism. He also gave tacit approval for the triumphant Christian church to pillage and destroy those pagan temples that had survived nearly a century of persecution. This marked the end of public worship of the pagan gods, thus making Christianity the only authorised religion of empire.

What is the relationship between religion and law in puritan New England?

Religion is the law in Puritan New England.

What was The basis of the division between India and Pakistan?

Religion :)

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Henry VIII changed England's official religion several times between 1534 and 1558 and ultimately severed ties with who?

the catholic church

Which church did Henry VIII changed England's official religion several times between 1534 and 1558 and ultimately severed ties with?

he changed the Catholic Church into the Anglican Ecclesia

Henry VIII changed England's official religion several times between 1534 and 1558 and ultimately severed ties whit what relgen?

Te religion he eventually changed it to was Protersant because he said that it made him powerfull and it gave him what he wanted throught out his life, because he was in charge of what ever his decision may be.

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How many years between Jesus death and the date on which Christianity became the official Roman religion?

Christianity became the official Roman religion in 380 AD. We don't know the exact date of the death of Jesus, so using the commonly used date of 33 AD for his death, it would be 347 years between Jesus" death and the making of Christianity the official religion.

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The English Channel, which is a body of water running between the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

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Yes, Britain is a secular state, meaning that there is a clear separation between religion and government. The government does not have an official religion and individuals are free to practice any religion or none at all. However, the Church of England is the established church, with the monarch serving as its head.

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a. A clear set of beliefs for the new protestant church in Switzerland. c. A meeting between Luther and Charles V, which ended in Luther's excommunication. b. A truce which stopped fighting between French Huguenots and other nobility. d. Geneva's official religion, leading it to become a theocracy.

What was the religion of England in the 1600's?

The religion of England in the 1600s was primarily Anglicanism, which was the official state religion. However, there were also significant religious tensions and conflicts during this time, including conflicts between the Anglican Church and dissenting Protestant groups, as well as persecution of Catholics.