

Best Answer

First of all, congrats on getting your fundraising started! Raising support for a worthy cause can be super rewarding.

One route you might want to consider is setting up a homepage for your group on a fundraising website.

Raising support online is much simpler and more tidy than raising funds via cash or check (most sites can link donations straight to your bank account through a merchant processor). And having a group page gives you a central place to post information, photos and let people know what you do - this helps you promote your cause to friends, family and whoever else you want.

There are plenty of sites these days that help groups meet their goals - here are some good options:

First Giving ( is a solid one. They charge about 5% on donations raised and have a simple structure to set up your page (though you may have to be a certified non-profit to register with them).

If that's the case, another option is Empowered ( They process about 3.5% on donations raised, offer lots of tools to help organize/fundraise, and I know they support all small groups, regardless of non-profit status.

And you could always try to send up your own PayPal account to link to you directly, but this is a little trickier and a bit inflexible.

Good luck getting your fundraising going

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