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I doubt there is a human on earth that hasn't failed at something and it may be a big failure or a small one. I failed in my first marriage. That made me feel angry with myself and made me feel stupid and that I should have listened to my gut instincts, but the truth of the matter was, I didn't fail! I trusted someone I loved and was blinded to the way he really was. I learned that you should be more choosy about the next person you feel you are in love with and take the time and patience to get to know them and about yourself. That goes with relationships with friends too. I failed at my very first job out of High School and got fired! I was devastated! I thought the world would frown upon me as being a total idiot and I'd never get another job. I walked the pavement for 2 weeks looking for work and was ready to give up, but something inside of me made me realize I only needed experience and I needed to get back out into the race again. I landed a job a week later and I've never been fired from a job since. I work hard no matter whether I like that job or not and if I don't like it, I'll look for something else that is better suited for me. I do research; read a lot; listen to other people and I have a great thirst for knowledge. I've learned a lot off this board! I could go on and on about my failures, but they made me the woman I am today at 65. My failures made me stronger; they made me humble; they taught me what other's did to me when I didn't deserve it was something I DIDN'T want to be and so I am the best I can be and treat others with respect and expect it back. I've learned honesty, loyalty and faith and I'm a Christian. I know when I feel the world is against me (we all can get like that at times) I'm not alone because God is there and it only pulls more strength out of me. I've learned to watch my back in the workplace and deal with situations in a fair way instead of an under-handed way. I feel stronger, more confident and I still can fail at a few things, but deal with it. We can't win all the time.

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Q: Have you ever failed at anything how did it affect you and what did you learn from this experience?
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