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Yes. The Oslo Accords. However, no treaty that fully addresses even one of the major sticking points has been proffered and signed.

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Q: Have there been any treaties between Israel and Palestine?
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What causes war between palestin and israel?

After the Holocaust, the Jewish people of Israel took the land of Palestine because it was the Chosen land by God. They have been fighting ever since.

Can Palestine defeat Israel?

It is highly unlikely that Palestine will prevail against Israel through strength of arms. Arab armies far larger and better equipped have not been able to achieve this. Palestine can certainly fight a guerrilla war or an intifada that will have an affect on Israeli resolve, but the best bet for a free and independent Palestine is to choose to accept that Israel is a necessary partner for peace. Israel is not going anywhere.

When did Palestine become a colony under Israel?

Palestine has never been a colony of Israel. Israel took control of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 1967 after conquering these territories from Jordan and Egypt respectively, where they were annexed territories under military authority.

What was the relationship between Israel and Palestine like before 1984?

If this question is asking about political relations between Israel and Palestine, then the answer is rather simple: Palestine did not exist. Palestine only became a country in the late 1980s or early 1990s depending on the particular interpretation of history chosen. At this point, the Palestine Liberation Organization, the forerunner to the current Palestinian Authority (the recognized government of Palestine), was a stateless organization that believed in no negotiation or peace with the State of Israel. If this question is asking about personal relationships between Israelis and Palestinians, the question becomes more complicated. Between 1949 and 1967, Israeli Jews had little if any contact with Palestinians. The Israeli Arab communities tried to maintain links across the border with Jordan, but with little luck. Between 1967 and 1987, many Palestinians got jobs in Israel and correspondingly, there was relatively high degree of contact. Palestinians formed large portions of the workforce in many unskilled professions during this period. While the Occupation certainly bothered and infuriated the Palestinians, it was nowhere near as strong and omnipresent as it has been since the Intifadas.

Why do some people call the land Israel by the name Palestine?

The modern country of Israel was formed in 1948 within the borders of what had been the historic region of Palestine. The term had existed for two thousand years, ever since the Romans named it Syria-Palaestina as punishment for the Jewish Revolts.

Related questions

Which is the older state between Israel and Palestine?

Israel was inherited by the Children of Israel shortly after the Exodus from Egypt in 1450 B.C.E. ... some 3,400 years ago. There has been a continuous Jewish presence in the land since then. The origin of a "Palestine" is more difficult to pin down. One authoritative "History of Palestine" dates it from the Ottoman conquest of the area.

What are names Israel has been called throughout time?

Palestine, Southwest Levant, Canaan, Judea, Idumea, Syria-Palaestina

What causes war between palestin and israel?

After the Holocaust, the Jewish people of Israel took the land of Palestine because it was the Chosen land by God. They have been fighting ever since.

Did jews begin to migrate to palestine in 1982?

No. Jews had already been migrating to Israel/Palestine in substantial numbers since 1919.

How have Israelis treated the Palestinians?

Israel and the State of Palestine are major enemies. They have been conflicting since the formation of the Jewish state in 1948. Israel and Palestine have been involved in several wars, all of which Israel has won. Israel is a greater military power than Palestine, which is why Israel has won more wars and killed more Palestinians in the process. However, the Israelis are only defending their nation. Israel has occupied Palestine for almost sixty years. Israel has the right to protect itself against attacks, and has a strict military policy to protect itself because it is surrounded by enemy nations. The current government of Palestine is regarded as a terrorist organization by many countries, such as Israel and the United States, which is why Israel is especially cautious.

Does Eminem like Israel?

he didn't say anything about Israel or Palestine, but he hates racism

Can Palestine defeat Israel?

It is highly unlikely that Palestine will prevail against Israel through strength of arms. Arab armies far larger and better equipped have not been able to achieve this. Palestine can certainly fight a guerrilla war or an intifada that will have an affect on Israeli resolve, but the best bet for a free and independent Palestine is to choose to accept that Israel is a necessary partner for peace. Israel is not going anywhere.

When did Palestine become a colony under Israel?

Palestine has never been a colony of Israel. Israel took control of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 1967 after conquering these territories from Jordan and Egypt respectively, where they were annexed territories under military authority.

Why doesn't the US become allies with Palestine?

The US will not become allies with Palestine because the US is a very strong ally of Israel. Israel and Palestine have been constantly feuding over land in the area and many lives have been lost as a result. This is why Palestine is also not a member of the United Nations. Even though they have applied for membership more than once, they have always been vetoed by the US because the US and Israel are close allies. This is also why Iran and the US have bad relations, as Iran and Israel are enemies and are on the brink of nuclear war. Many Western nations side with Israel on matters as well, which is why almost all of Western Europe does not recognize Palestine as a country (as neither does the US).

What was the date that the Jews invaded or took over Israel?

They had been in Palestine for some time, but they declared the independence of the state of Israel on 14 May 1948.

Does Palestine have the right to be independent?

It depends. The State of Palestine is currently not a sovereign nation and is not a member of the UN, although was recently granted non-membership observation status. The State of Palestine will not join the United Nations, as the United States, among other possible countries, will veto any attempt. This is because these Western nations are Allies of Israel, the State of Palestine's main enemy. The State of Palestine has been conflicting with Israel over sovereignty and land since the formation of Israel in 1948. Even if the US did not veto Palestine's admission to the UN, which is definitely not likely, Palestine wouldn't be able to join because its borders are not even close to being clearly defined. Israel has occupied the State of Palestine for almost 60 years.

Who is in charge of palestine?

The British Mandate of Palestine covered all of current day Israel (including the occupied territories) and Jordan, as well as parts of Syria. Currently however, the term Palestine refers to the Occupied Territories where Israel has put the Palestinians previously occupying what is now Israel. The Israeli Defense Forces controls Palestine with an iron fist, though recently there has been efforts to bring the Palestinian Authority to power. This has not been successful as of yet because of many things, among them Israel's want for an Israeli Jerusalem without Palestinians and Israel's wants for better safety for their citizens (leading to much worse safety for Palestinians).