

Best Answer

No. US dropped a couple of Atomic Bombs on Japan that's about it so far

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Q: Has there ever been a nuclear war?
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What event was the closest the world had ever been to a second nuclear war?

The Cuban Missile Crisis.

Where nuclear missiles used in either of these wars?

Missiles with nuclear warheads have never been used in war. The only nuclear weapons ever used in war were the 2 used to end WW2 in Japan. These were gravity bombs.

What cause of nuclear war?

There has never been a Nuclear War

Did the US position improve from the nuclear war?

What nuclear war? The only nuclear war ever was the two bombs dropped on Japan to end WW2.

If there will be another nuclear war who will be in it?

Who ever has nukes.

What are some nuclear weapons have been used in the war?

The only nuclear weapons ever used in war were the US's MK-1 Uranium gun bomb and MK-3 Plutonium implosion bomb.

Was the war desert storm a nuclear war?

No, Nuclear Weapons have ever been used as "WEAPONS" with exception to "FAT MAN" and "LITTLE BOY", The bombs used on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima, and Nagasaki in the final days of World War II.

What causes nuclear wars?

There has never been a Nuclear War

Did the US unleash nuclear weapons during the cold war?

No. No nuclear weapons have ever been used in an act of war besides the two dropped on Japan during the Second World War. The United States and Russia both produced enormous amounts of nuclear weapons during the Cold War, though none were used.

Has there ever been an nuclear bomb hit Texas?

There has never been a nuclear explosion in the state of Texas

Has libya ever been in war?

Has libya ever been in war.

What was the nucular war?

A war with the use a nuclear weapons. Only one such war has ever been fought, it started August 6, 1945 and ended August 9, 1945 and ended WW2.